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    Diposting oleh intermartku Kamis, 27 September 2018
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    Ralph Lauren Men Ralph Lauren Women Ralph Lauren Kids Hackett Accessories
    Ralph Lauren Cotton V-Neck Sweater
    $119.00 $26.37
    Ralph Lauren Classic-Fit Bremen Mosse Shirt Red Black Plai
    $129.00 $34.92
    Polo Ralph Lauren Men Canvas Sneaker 1100
    $127.00 $56.27
    Copyright © 2018 POLOIMALL. Powered by Ralph Lauren
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    Address:3839 clarke st 1, harlingen, tx, 78552
    26:046:012 Now when the prince shall prepare a voluntary burnt offering or peace offerings voluntarily unto the LORD, one shall then open him the gate that looketh toward the east, and he shall prepare his burnt offering and his peace offerings, as he did on the sabbath day: then he shall go forth; and after his going forth one shall shut the gate.
    26:046:019 After he brought me through the entry, which was at the side of the gate, into the holy chambers of the priests, which looked toward the north: and, behold, there was a place on the two sides westward.
    26:046:020 Then said he unto me, This is the place where the priests shall boil the trespass offering and the sin offering, where they shall bake the meat offering; that they bear them not out into the utter court, to sanctify the people.
    26:046:021 Then he brought me forth into the utter court, and caused me to pass by the four corners of the court; and, behold, in every corner of the court there was a court.
    26:046:022 In the four corners of the court there were courts joined of forty cubits long and thirty broad: these four corners were of one measure.
    26:046:023 And there was a row of building round about in them, round about them four, and it was made with boiling places under the rows round about.
    26:046:024 Then said he unto me, These are the places of them that boil, where the ministers of the house shall boil the sacrifice of the people.
    26:047:001 Afterward he brought me again unto the door of the house; and, behold, waters issued out from under the threshold of the house eastward: for the forefront of the house stood toward the east, and the waters came down from under from the right side of the house, at the south side of the altar.
    26:047:002 Then brought he me out of the way of the gate northward, and led me about the way without unto the utter gate by the way that looketh eastward; and, behold, there ran out waters on the right side.
    26:047:003 And when the man that had the line in his hand went forth eastward, he measured a thousand cubits, and he brought me through the waters; the waters were to the ankles.
    26:047:004 Again he measured a thousand, and brought me through the waters; the waters were to the knees. Again he measured a thousand, and brought me through; the waters were to the loins.
    26:047:005 Afterward he measured a thousand; and it was a river that I could not pass over: for the waters were risen, waters to swim in, a river that could not be passed over.
    26:047:006 And he said unto me, Son of man, hast thou seen this? Then he brought me, and caused me to return to the brink of the river.
    26:047:007 Now when I had returned, behold, at the bank of the river were very many trees on the one side and on the other.
    26:047:008 Then said he unto me, These waters issue out toward the east country, and go down into the desert, and go into the sea: which being brought forth into the sea, the waters shall be healed.
    26:047:009 And it shall come to pass, that every thing that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall live: and there shall be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters shall come thither: for they shall be healed; and every thing shall live whither the river cometh.
    26:047:010 And it shall come to pass, that the fishers shall stand upon it from Engedi even unto Eneglaim; they shall be a place to spread forth nets; their fish shall be according to their kinds, as the fish of the great sea, exceeding many.
    26:047:011 But the miry places thereof and the marishes thereof shall not be healed; they shall be given to salt.
    26:047:012 And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine.
    26:047:013 Thus saith the Lord GOD; This shall be the border, whereby ye shall inherit the land according to the twelve tribes of Israel: Joseph shall have two portions.
    26:047:014 And ye shall inherit it, one as well as another: concerning the which I lifted up mine hand to give it unto your fathers: and this land shall fall unto you for inheritance.
    26:047:015 And this shall be the border of the land toward the north side, from the great sea, the way of Hethlon, as men go to Zedad;
    26:047:016 Hamath, Berothah, Sibraim, which is between the border of Damascus and the border of Hamath; Hazarhatticon, which is by the coast of Hauran.
    26:047:017 And the border from the sea shall be Hazarenan, the border of Damascus, and the north northward, and the border of Hamath. And this is the north side.
    26:047:018 And the east side ye shall measure from Hauran, and from Damascus, and from Gilead, and from the land of Israel by Jordan, from the border unto the east sea. And this is the east side.
    26:047:019 And the south side southward, from Tamar even to the waters of strife in Kadesh, the river to the great sea. And this is the south side southward.
    26:047:020 The west side also shall be the great sea from the border, till a man come over against Hamath. This is the west side.
    26:047:021 So shall ye divide this land unto you according to the tribes of Israel.
    26:047:022 And it shall come to pass, that ye shall divide it by lot for an inheritance unto you, and to the strangers that sojourn among you, which shall beget children among you: and they shall be unto you as born in the country among the children of Israel; they shall have inheritance with you among the tribes of Israel.
    26:047:023 And it shall come to pass, that in what tribe the stranger sojourneth, there shall ye give him his inheritance, saith the Lord GOD.

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    Buy the latest from Polo Ralph Lauren

    Can't see images? view in a Brower| If you don't wish to receive any emails, unsubscribe Or move it to spam
    Ralph Lauren Men Ralph Lauren Women Ralph Lauren Kids Hackett Accessories
    Ralph Lauren Cotton V-Neck Sweater
    $119.00 $26.37
    Ralph Lauren Classic-Fit Bremen Mosse Shirt Red Black Plai
    $129.00 $34.92
    Polo Ralph Lauren Men Canvas Sneaker 1100
    $127.00 $56.27
    Copyright © 2018 POLOIMALL. Powered by Ralph Lauren
    This email was sent to
    This is a post-only mailing. Please do not respond to this message.
    Address:3839 clarke st 1, harlingen, tx, 78552
    26:046:012 Now when the prince shall prepare a voluntary burnt offering or peace offerings voluntarily unto the LORD, one shall then open him the gate that looketh toward the east, and he shall prepare his burnt offering and his peace offerings, as he did on the sabbath day: then he shall go forth; and after his going forth one shall shut the gate.
    26:046:019 After he brought me through the entry, which was at the side of the gate, into the holy chambers of the priests, which looked toward the north: and, behold, there was a place on the two sides westward.
    26:046:020 Then said he unto me, This is the place where the priests shall boil the trespass offering and the sin offering, where they shall bake the meat offering; that they bear them not out into the utter court, to sanctify the people.
    26:046:021 Then he brought me forth into the utter court, and caused me to pass by the four corners of the court; and, behold, in every corner of the court there was a court.
    26:046:022 In the four corners of the court there were courts joined of forty cubits long and thirty broad: these four corners were of one measure.
    26:046:023 And there was a row of building round about in them, round about them four, and it was made with boiling places under the rows round about.
    26:046:024 Then said he unto me, These are the places of them that boil, where the ministers of the house shall boil the sacrifice of the people.
    26:047:001 Afterward he brought me again unto the door of the house; and, behold, waters issued out from under the threshold of the house eastward: for the forefront of the house stood toward the east, and the waters came down from under from the right side of the house, at the south side of the altar.
    26:047:002 Then brought he me out of the way of the gate northward, and led me about the way without unto the utter gate by the way that looketh eastward; and, behold, there ran out waters on the right side.
    26:047:003 And when the man that had the line in his hand went forth eastward, he measured a thousand cubits, and he brought me through the waters; the waters were to the ankles.
    26:047:004 Again he measured a thousand, and brought me through the waters; the waters were to the knees. Again he measured a thousand, and brought me through; the waters were to the loins.
    26:047:005 Afterward he measured a thousand; and it was a river that I could not pass over: for the waters were risen, waters to swim in, a river that could not be passed over.
    26:047:006 And he said unto me, Son of man, hast thou seen this? Then he brought me, and caused me to return to the brink of the river.
    26:047:007 Now when I had returned, behold, at the bank of the river were very many trees on the one side and on the other.
    26:047:008 Then said he unto me, These waters issue out toward the east country, and go down into the desert, and go into the sea: which being brought forth into the sea, the waters shall be healed.
    26:047:009 And it shall come to pass, that every thing that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall live: and there shall be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters shall come thither: for they shall be healed; and every thing shall live whither the river cometh.
    26:047:010 And it shall come to pass, that the fishers shall stand upon it from Engedi even unto Eneglaim; they shall be a place to spread forth nets; their fish shall be according to their kinds, as the fish of the great sea, exceeding many.
    26:047:011 But the miry places thereof and the marishes thereof shall not be healed; they shall be given to salt.
    26:047:012 And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine.
    26:047:013 Thus saith the Lord GOD; This shall be the border, whereby ye shall inherit the land according to the twelve tribes of Israel: Joseph shall have two portions.
    26:047:014 And ye shall inherit it, one as well as another: concerning the which I lifted up mine hand to give it unto your fathers: and this land shall fall unto you for inheritance.
    26:047:015 And this shall be the border of the land toward the north side, from the great sea, the way of Hethlon, as men go to Zedad;
    26:047:016 Hamath, Berothah, Sibraim, which is between the border of Damascus and the border of Hamath; Hazarhatticon, which is by the coast of Hauran.
    26:047:017 And the border from the sea shall be Hazarenan, the border of Damascus, and the north northward, and the border of Hamath. And this is the north side.
    26:047:018 And the east side ye shall measure from Hauran, and from Damascus, and from Gilead, and from the land of Israel by Jordan, from the border unto the east sea. And this is the east side.
    26:047:019 And the south side southward, from Tamar even to the waters of strife in Kadesh, the river to the great sea. And this is the south side southward.
    26:047:020 The west side also shall be the great sea from the border, till a man come over against Hamath. This is the west side.
    26:047:021 So shall ye divide this land unto you according to the tribes of Israel.
    26:047:022 And it shall come to pass, that ye shall divide it by lot for an inheritance unto you, and to the strangers that sojourn among you, which shall beget children among you: and they shall be unto you as born in the country among the children of Israel; they shall have inheritance with you among the tribes of Israel.
    26:047:023 And it shall come to pass, that in what tribe the stranger sojourneth, there shall ye give him his inheritance, saith the Lord GOD.

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