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  • Always have the exact plug for any chargeable device!

    Diposting oleh intermartku Rabu, 15 September 2021
    product folded out

    Tired of having the wrong cables when you leave the house?

    This cable keychain is a one-of-a-kind solution to your cable needs. With 6 connections in one, this keychain is compatible with most current devices on the market. It also contains strong N52 magnets to assure it will never leave your keychain. Great for you or as a gift, get yours today!

    Buy Now
    product on keychain





    The sound of footsteps reverberated in the air. Whispers echoed in the area as the villagers gossiped around. Who is he? What is that? Why did he come to our town? The stranger pays no heed to their stares. He continues walking, his golden eyes staring straight ahead as if he cannot see everyone else. He has a large scar cutting across his right eyebrow and down his cheek. A little bit of stubble is on his chin, making his old face look even older. The wind teases him, gently sweeping his blue hair out of place.


    The people gaze at the items he is carrying. Why is he carrying a frying pan in his hands? Children shudder as they gaze at his feet ? no, those are not feet. Those? totipalmate ? webbed feet like that of a ducks'. A large iguana walks alongside the man, its green scales gleaming underneath the glowing sunlight.


    Yulian watches quietly as the stranger walks to his father's house. Does father know this man? Why haven't I heard him mention this? Yulian wonders. He hears the people around him whisper about the man.


    ?Is he even human?? ?Where is he from?? ?He must be the Devil's subordinate!? Yulian sends a glare at the person who said so. It's Mrs. White, the number one gossiper of Stathmore Town.


    Stathmore is a small town located between the land of the elves and humans, so seeing elves and fairies are normal ? but seeing a man with totipalmate instead of normal feet was shocking enough, not to mention the fact that he had golden eyes.


    Yulian ignored the people's stares and headed home, his thoughts in a whirl. Wait ? Yulian is hit with a sudden thought. What if the stranger is going to kill his father?! Yulian's face contorts and he rushes back home, running as if he was racing against the wind.


    Yulian sees the front door and stops right in front. Leaning forward, he presses his ear gently to the door. Yulian hears the sound of his mother sobbing. ?Please, Sir Gogor,? it's his father, ?Don't take away my son.?


    Yulian's heart clenched. Who is this Gogor?


    ?He's our only child?? His mother pleads.


    He felt his hands sweat profusely.


    A man's raspy voice is heard from inside ? Yulian knows it's not his father. Is it ?Gogor'? Yes, it must be.


    ?You know that I'll take what I want, and you can't stop me, right??

    Yulian's stomach churned uneasily.




    ?Oh shut it. Do you think I don't know that you're keeping Yulian here not because you love him? Yulian isn't even your real son, right?? ?Gogor' scoffs.


    Yulian felt his heart drop to the pit of his stomach. What?


    ?What are you talking about? H-he's definitely our son??


    ?No. You found Yulian when he was a baby, abandoned on the roadside. Youand I know you'll only raise him until he turns 20. That's a year from now, right? Well, now I've come to take him with me like what we agreed to.?


    Yulian felt a lump in his throat; shock enveloping his senses.


    ?You're really a rotten demon!? Yulian's father hissed. ?Fine! Take that brat away, and don't come looking for me ever again!?


    ?Ohohoho, my pleasure.?


    The information he received was too overwhelming, Yulian had to grab the door frame to stop himself from falling. He heard footsteps from the house. The person inside was getting nearer. He had to move ? but his legs just wouldn't obey him. He was still reeling from the shock, the helplessness and disappointment that he felt.


    The door was suddenly opened, and the strange visitor ? ?Gogor' emerged. ?You heard what your parents said, right? Come on, boy, let's go,? the man said. Yulian glance at the man, his large scar seemed to glare at him. Yulian looked at down, his heart was thumping in fear, and yet? he felt trepidation. Why?


    Yulian turned to look at his father, but the latter only turned his head away in shame. Yulian sent a pleading look to his mother, who was sobbing. ?Mother, I?? Someone grabbed his hand. It was ?Gogor'.


    ?Come with me, Yulian.?


    ?No, I ? ?


    ?I understand that it's hard for you, but I will explain things in due time. I am Gogor, as you may have heard. Please come with me.?


    ?Just go with him,? his mother whispered.


    Yulian, still quite stunned, nodded.


    Gogor took Yulian's hand and walked away from the village. Like before, Gogor was bombarded with piercing stares ? but this time, everyone stared at Yulian too. Yulian felt awkward, but he obediently followed Gogor The two walked out of the town gates, leaving the rest of the townspeople with gossip and speculation hanging from the tip of their tongues.


    The strange visitor in Stathmore Town had come and gone just like that ? and nothing had changed for anyone ? except for Yulian.


    Gogor had led Yulian to the foot of a mountain ? one that was near the territory of the elves. Yulian observed the man in front of him quietly, thinking about everything he had gone through in just a few hours. Finally, he could not take it anymore and broke the silence.


    ?Uhm, Sir?? Yulian asked tentatively. He still did not know whether Gogor was his friend or foe. If worst comes to worst, he would make a run for it.


    Gogor stopped walking and turned around. ?Please, just call me Teacher,? his raspy voice sounded.


    ?Teacher? You're going to teach me?? What will you teach me? Yulian almost blurted out his next question but held it in.


    ?Yes. Right, I should give you a proper introduction. My name is Sir Gogor Pavinsky, and I'm the last of the Golden Eyed Tribe ? well, maybe not anymore.?


    ?Golden Eyed Tribe? How come I've never heard of that?? Yulian muttered.


    ?Well, my tribe was massacred 20 years ago ? I survived, and I need you to continue on the legacy of our tribe,? Gogor answered patiently. He sat down on the grass and gestured for Yulian to do the same.


    Yulian stole a glance at Gogor's eyes ? yes, they were definitely golden. Wait?


    ?Did you say ?our' tribe?? Yulian gaped at Gogor in disbelief.


    ?You did not hear it wrongly, boy ? you're one of us.?


    ?B-but? how?! I don't even have golden eyes ? and I don't have feet like you?? Yulian's voice lowered at the end of his sentence.

    Gogor smiled. ?Your father was the chief of our tribe. He foresaw the massacre would happen and hid you in advance. He made sure that when you were a baby, you drank a potion ? yes, horrid green slimy stuff ? to disguise your hair color.?


    Gogor looked at the distance and, as if in a trance, continued his story. ?We all laughed at him, y'know? Thought the chief was being paranoid. Massacre? No way, Golden Eyed Tribe wouldn't be wiped out that quickly?


    Gogor sighed, his melancholy making Yulian's nose sour.


    ?Anyway, after what happened that day, I tried looking for you. I knew the chief had hidden you away somewhere, so I began my search. It was only several years ago, when I found you by accident.?

    Gogor smiles wistfully, recalling the past.


    ?It was a rainy, gloomy night. I was a stranger in the town ? yes, Stathmore Town. I knocked on your father's house and asked to stay for the night, but he? Your father was afraid of me, he wouldn't let me stay. I got upset, so I threatened him. Told your father I would curse him if he wouldn't let me stay. It worked ? somehow. Your father was afraid of me.


    ?Inside his house, I saw you ? and then I knew, I had found you. I have to admit, I used some foul tricks to make your father promise to give you to me? I waited until you got bigger ? didn't want to alert our enemies, you see. But now, I'm ready?So here we are now, Yulian. I'm just an old man hoping my tribe won't vanish from this world.?


    ?Yulian, you will help me, right? I'll be sure to teach you everything I know ? and maybe, just maybe, our tribe will rise again.? Gogor's eyes are filled with hope, a flicker of light that seems to glow even when all is lost.


    Yulian still has his doubts ? who can trust a stranger?


    Many questions are swirling in his head: How did Gogor escape the massacre? Why was his tribe massacred? What was his father ? his real father, like? Why did Gogor have totipalmates instead of feet?


    He wants to know more. He wants to help this poor old man, who looks so sad ? and he definitely wants to learn a lot. Answers can come later ? he was sure that Gogor would tell him in due time.


    ?Alright, S-sir? no, Teacher. I'll follow you starting from today.?


    The cold brisk wind was blowing outside, it was the start of summer and the mornings were still cold. The guest room had nothing inside, the family of the house were liars and had done people's dirty work for years, the ones that lived in that room had run away to a place far and safe for themselves.

    Ten years before that, Jackalope, a young girl at the time, had been living in the house never going outside due to her ?Curse'. She was a mutant; she had a large mixture of animals and monsters within her DNA. Her mother wouldn't care if she went outside, but her father on the other hand did, he didn't want to be a laughing stock at work. Jackalope had three siblings, one was already out of the house, the other two were in middle school. There was a commotion outside for the past four days cause there was a place where abandoned children would be taken, everyone thought it was to kill them to get them off of the streets. One night there was an announcement that a child had escaped from them and was a threat to others. For the time being till the child was found they would keep a lock in place for those without jobs so there were fewer people on the streets. The family was interrupted during their dinner by a knock on the door. The mother got up to go open the door, ignoring her husband telling her not to. When she opened the door there was a little girl with a number 500 in black on her neck and she was in a white shirt that was soaked from the rain, along with white boots, and a skirt. Her eyes were puffy and she looked to be a large mixture of monsters. The mother looked down the street and saw the people of the ?Child Street Clean-Up?. That's when she learned they didn't kill these kids, they did experiments on them. The mother pulled the kid into the house and told Jackalope to go hide with the girl in the guest room.

    ?Hello ma'am, have you seen a little girl in all white around here,? The worker asked as he looked past the woman in the door, looking at the table where the family was sitting still eating. He noticed the extra spot at the table.

    ?Ma'am, who was at that extra seat at your table?? he asked.

    ?My only daughter is upstairs using the restroom.? mother said as she closed the door.

    My mother was 38 and my father 'se something happened, she woke Twich up and opened the window, Twich had grabbed some dark clothes and other things to hide who they were. They had climbed out of the window and ran Jackalope had enough money out ready to pay for their tickets to get on the train.

    When they got on the train there was a woman that walked up to the girls and told them to come with her. The lady took them to a seat with a door that could be closed and locked. 

    ?Hello girls, I will be taking you with me to shelter?. She said, 

    ?What, how do you know who we are?? Twich asked.

    ?I have watched you girls grow up, I should show my true form to help you trust me,? She said.

    The woman showed us her tail was a scorpion tail but she had wings. She then explained that she was going to take us to the school she taught at full of runaways. I and Twich never thought we would ever be safe from the liars of the town Smog. I started to go to school, I loved it. I was far behind with my levels but most of the classes had a relation to our mutant DNA. Both Twich and I learned how to hide our form and were told we would be going back to Smog to free the little kids out of the labs. I was to pose as a new worker there by the name ?Jackie'. Twich was going to be my pet, she was able to form into a cat, she would be a grey cat with a blue hue to her fur. We were a little nervous but I knew we would be going back if we stayed by the rules of the mission. We made our own mission to close the lab for good and show the people of Smog what they did to innocent kids. I and Twich have been dating for a few years now. We have become very close and share a room where others are confused about how that is possible with our different mutant types. We had shared a room for five years so it's not too different, the only difference is that there is better heating, along with more space for our stuff. We leave for Smog in three days. It's not much time but it will be a huge deal to us. I don't plan on doing anything large for a few weeks but I need to get over the feeling that this is where I am from. I love my girl but there is a risk doing this mission, I'm only 15 meaning that I am one of the youngest to go on a mission, Twich is 14 almost 15 she is four months younger than me. 

    We have arrived at Smog train station, I just have to find my host family, I don't have much with me to make a quick leave if needed. Of course, my host family is the family that I ran away from. This is going to be interesting. I knocked on the door, someone I didn't know opened the door and called for Mary. She's a widow, her husband had died a few months ago. It's going to be hard to get used to fake that I don't know the house. Turns out the family who lived here had moved to a different house within the town. I was relieved, the person that opened the door told me that their name was Tex, he was a very quiet person. Tex told me that I didn't need to hide inside the house. I was confused and asked what he meant, I blinked and he had turned into a mutant. Mary was one too. Now I feel a lot better staying here. I put Twich down so she could shift, She always amazes me with her shifting. I love her but she likes to be a show-off, she never complains when I carry her but she doesn't like it when I'm holding her while she shifts, she is always sleepy afterward. 

    ?I'm sleepy, Jaxy,? Twitch said.

    I ask what room we will be staying in, Tex told me there is only one bed cause they weren't expecting Twich. I of course told him that it's fine, we share a bed at school anyways. When I got to the room it had dark teal curtains and a neatly set up desk with a bed next to it. I told Tex, thank you and asked when dinner was. I had an hour till 6, so I decided to cuddle with Twich, I didn't think that she would sleep well without her cuddles. When supper came around I started to head downstairs when Tex quickly told me to hide my form and act as if I was doing work and have Twich shift to her cat form. That's when I knew that the Lab workers were here, Tex also told me that once a week they come over and eat with them. This mission means everything to us we have to can't let it end with our failure.


    The forest could tell, even the birds sensed it there was really no need to say anything has in this case, tension speaks louder than words....


    He looked at his best friend,his face expressing painful thoughts he is trying to bring himself to control. " Why?.." He got nothing as his best friend kept mute still...he rushed forward putting his knuckles in danger as he punched into a tree. His best friend wouldn't move or talk, there was literally nothing she could do to ease the pain , she caused it after all but she wouldn't be swayed because that was her resolve before accepting to meet him.

    " We shouldn't be doing this and you know it, everything was your fault! Don't act cute or innocent because I know you did it..."

    She talks, I almost considered the fact that you had gone deaf and blind seeing as I've been asking for an explanation from you for the past thirty minutes! " he spoke with obvious venom.

    " Listen Dre, I am not here to fight you or anything, let's just give sleeping dogs their peace and forget this whole issue" She replied looking exhausted.

    I'm sorry did I hear you right Tiwa? You took fifteen years of my life cause of the lie you told and you stand here talking to me about peace!! Are you out of your mind or are you just being mean?He spat out

    Don't make me look bad because I heard it all, every damn word he told you I heard it! Damn it! You were there Dre, you were right in front of him, I thought we were friends, I tho.."


    You thought we were what!? You lied Tiwa and there is no denying because you know I would never do that to anyone let alone to someone I call my friend!" furious as he was, he still tried his best in all the fifteen years he spent in jail to make excuses for her, probably she was wrong about something or she wasn't in her right mind when she was brought in for questioning or perhaps she was even pressured into lying against him...those thoughts hunted him day and night and he lived through it all hoping wildly he was correct atleast to a point, hearing her say these things hurt as hell, he didn't think there would be a day he would bring himself to hate Tiwa, she was like the sister, mom even dad he never had and he made sure to do all he could including dropping out of high school so she could graduate and get into the stupid he had been

    You made such decision without even giving me the benefit of doubt, even if you actually heard something you could have asked me about it, I can't hide the truth from you and you know that" The words coming out with pain as he tried to stop himself from breaking down...


    She stood there watching the pain of her betrayal eat him up but couldn't do anything to stop it, if only she had known she would have fought for the truth but her greed made her too weak to support and stand by her only friend. She could try to forgive herself by feeling guilty but she knew very much she doesn't deserve his forgiveness nor hers, it's better if she keeps suffering all her life with the silly mistake of putting the life of someone who she meant something to in jeopardy...All fifteen years and he is here and there is no way she would ask for forgiveness for taking that amount of time from him..

    You heard him ask you to save him but you didn't, you dropped him regardless because you were selfish and envious, everyone including yourself knew he was better at everything than you!" She lashed out knowing it was a lie

    How could you?.." words left him.

    She waited patiently to hear what he had to say but apparently he had nothing to say.

    its obvious you have nothing to say, you know why I ignored you? You have insecurities around you and you feel intimidated by people who you think are better than you without realizing you cause more harm than good...try having a pet" she said quietly and left, the tears rolled down without warning and she realized for the first time how lonely she was and would be for a very long time, if that was her punishment she would gladly take it,after all she deserved what she got...


    He watched her leave causing another jab of pain in his heart knowing her leaving him has turned them to strangers forever... where did he go wrong with her and Daniel, they were just like siblings and in the twinkle of an eye everything seems like the memories of their friendship was a dream, atleast Daniel survived the fall but why Him and Tiwa would lie against him is beyond him, was he really insecured and insensitive to their feelings but even at that they shouldn't have done all of that to him, bearing false witness and giving untrue testimonies that he pushed Daniel over the cliff was just too much... He sat on the ground and wept like a baby for hours this time not because of the years wasted but for the strangers he once considered friends


    It was dark already and the forest was coming alive as many wilds are starting their day, he stood and began to walk back home, after a while he turned around knowing fully well something was behind him, he saw the dog following him surprisingly he smiled and walked on his thoughts " insecurities she said, I made a friend might take a while but I'm not giving up yet and friendship starts from somewhere" He walked on whistling... If his friends whom he gave his all to could become strangers to him why on Earth can't a stray dog be his friend??

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    Always have the exact plug for any chargeable device!

    product folded out

    Tired of having the wrong cables when you leave the house?

    This cable keychain is a one-of-a-kind solution to your cable needs. With 6 connections in one, this keychain is compatible with most current devices on the market. It also contains strong N52 magnets to assure it will never leave your keychain. Great for you or as a gift, get yours today!

    Buy Now
    product on keychain





    The sound of footsteps reverberated in the air. Whispers echoed in the area as the villagers gossiped around. Who is he? What is that? Why did he come to our town? The stranger pays no heed to their stares. He continues walking, his golden eyes staring straight ahead as if he cannot see everyone else. He has a large scar cutting across his right eyebrow and down his cheek. A little bit of stubble is on his chin, making his old face look even older. The wind teases him, gently sweeping his blue hair out of place.


    The people gaze at the items he is carrying. Why is he carrying a frying pan in his hands? Children shudder as they gaze at his feet ? no, those are not feet. Those? totipalmate ? webbed feet like that of a ducks'. A large iguana walks alongside the man, its green scales gleaming underneath the glowing sunlight.


    Yulian watches quietly as the stranger walks to his father's house. Does father know this man? Why haven't I heard him mention this? Yulian wonders. He hears the people around him whisper about the man.


    ?Is he even human?? ?Where is he from?? ?He must be the Devil's subordinate!? Yulian sends a glare at the person who said so. It's Mrs. White, the number one gossiper of Stathmore Town.


    Stathmore is a small town located between the land of the elves and humans, so seeing elves and fairies are normal ? but seeing a man with totipalmate instead of normal feet was shocking enough, not to mention the fact that he had golden eyes.


    Yulian ignored the people's stares and headed home, his thoughts in a whirl. Wait ? Yulian is hit with a sudden thought. What if the stranger is going to kill his father?! Yulian's face contorts and he rushes back home, running as if he was racing against the wind.


    Yulian sees the front door and stops right in front. Leaning forward, he presses his ear gently to the door. Yulian hears the sound of his mother sobbing. ?Please, Sir Gogor,? it's his father, ?Don't take away my son.?


    Yulian's heart clenched. Who is this Gogor?


    ?He's our only child?? His mother pleads.


    He felt his hands sweat profusely.


    A man's raspy voice is heard from inside ? Yulian knows it's not his father. Is it ?Gogor'? Yes, it must be.


    ?You know that I'll take what I want, and you can't stop me, right??

    Yulian's stomach churned uneasily.




    ?Oh shut it. Do you think I don't know that you're keeping Yulian here not because you love him? Yulian isn't even your real son, right?? ?Gogor' scoffs.


    Yulian felt his heart drop to the pit of his stomach. What?


    ?What are you talking about? H-he's definitely our son??


    ?No. You found Yulian when he was a baby, abandoned on the roadside. Youand I know you'll only raise him until he turns 20. That's a year from now, right? Well, now I've come to take him with me like what we agreed to.?


    Yulian felt a lump in his throat; shock enveloping his senses.


    ?You're really a rotten demon!? Yulian's father hissed. ?Fine! Take that brat away, and don't come looking for me ever again!?


    ?Ohohoho, my pleasure.?


    The information he received was too overwhelming, Yulian had to grab the door frame to stop himself from falling. He heard footsteps from the house. The person inside was getting nearer. He had to move ? but his legs just wouldn't obey him. He was still reeling from the shock, the helplessness and disappointment that he felt.


    The door was suddenly opened, and the strange visitor ? ?Gogor' emerged. ?You heard what your parents said, right? Come on, boy, let's go,? the man said. Yulian glance at the man, his large scar seemed to glare at him. Yulian looked at down, his heart was thumping in fear, and yet? he felt trepidation. Why?


    Yulian turned to look at his father, but the latter only turned his head away in shame. Yulian sent a pleading look to his mother, who was sobbing. ?Mother, I?? Someone grabbed his hand. It was ?Gogor'.


    ?Come with me, Yulian.?


    ?No, I ? ?


    ?I understand that it's hard for you, but I will explain things in due time. I am Gogor, as you may have heard. Please come with me.?


    ?Just go with him,? his mother whispered.


    Yulian, still quite stunned, nodded.


    Gogor took Yulian's hand and walked away from the village. Like before, Gogor was bombarded with piercing stares ? but this time, everyone stared at Yulian too. Yulian felt awkward, but he obediently followed Gogor The two walked out of the town gates, leaving the rest of the townspeople with gossip and speculation hanging from the tip of their tongues.


    The strange visitor in Stathmore Town had come and gone just like that ? and nothing had changed for anyone ? except for Yulian.


    Gogor had led Yulian to the foot of a mountain ? one that was near the territory of the elves. Yulian observed the man in front of him quietly, thinking about everything he had gone through in just a few hours. Finally, he could not take it anymore and broke the silence.


    ?Uhm, Sir?? Yulian asked tentatively. He still did not know whether Gogor was his friend or foe. If worst comes to worst, he would make a run for it.


    Gogor stopped walking and turned around. ?Please, just call me Teacher,? his raspy voice sounded.


    ?Teacher? You're going to teach me?? What will you teach me? Yulian almost blurted out his next question but held it in.


    ?Yes. Right, I should give you a proper introduction. My name is Sir Gogor Pavinsky, and I'm the last of the Golden Eyed Tribe ? well, maybe not anymore.?


    ?Golden Eyed Tribe? How come I've never heard of that?? Yulian muttered.


    ?Well, my tribe was massacred 20 years ago ? I survived, and I need you to continue on the legacy of our tribe,? Gogor answered patiently. He sat down on the grass and gestured for Yulian to do the same.


    Yulian stole a glance at Gogor's eyes ? yes, they were definitely golden. Wait?


    ?Did you say ?our' tribe?? Yulian gaped at Gogor in disbelief.


    ?You did not hear it wrongly, boy ? you're one of us.?


    ?B-but? how?! I don't even have golden eyes ? and I don't have feet like you?? Yulian's voice lowered at the end of his sentence.

    Gogor smiled. ?Your father was the chief of our tribe. He foresaw the massacre would happen and hid you in advance. He made sure that when you were a baby, you drank a potion ? yes, horrid green slimy stuff ? to disguise your hair color.?


    Gogor looked at the distance and, as if in a trance, continued his story. ?We all laughed at him, y'know? Thought the chief was being paranoid. Massacre? No way, Golden Eyed Tribe wouldn't be wiped out that quickly?


    Gogor sighed, his melancholy making Yulian's nose sour.


    ?Anyway, after what happened that day, I tried looking for you. I knew the chief had hidden you away somewhere, so I began my search. It was only several years ago, when I found you by accident.?

    Gogor smiles wistfully, recalling the past.


    ?It was a rainy, gloomy night. I was a stranger in the town ? yes, Stathmore Town. I knocked on your father's house and asked to stay for the night, but he? Your father was afraid of me, he wouldn't let me stay. I got upset, so I threatened him. Told your father I would curse him if he wouldn't let me stay. It worked ? somehow. Your father was afraid of me.


    ?Inside his house, I saw you ? and then I knew, I had found you. I have to admit, I used some foul tricks to make your father promise to give you to me? I waited until you got bigger ? didn't want to alert our enemies, you see. But now, I'm ready?So here we are now, Yulian. I'm just an old man hoping my tribe won't vanish from this world.?


    ?Yulian, you will help me, right? I'll be sure to teach you everything I know ? and maybe, just maybe, our tribe will rise again.? Gogor's eyes are filled with hope, a flicker of light that seems to glow even when all is lost.


    Yulian still has his doubts ? who can trust a stranger?


    Many questions are swirling in his head: How did Gogor escape the massacre? Why was his tribe massacred? What was his father ? his real father, like? Why did Gogor have totipalmates instead of feet?


    He wants to know more. He wants to help this poor old man, who looks so sad ? and he definitely wants to learn a lot. Answers can come later ? he was sure that Gogor would tell him in due time.


    ?Alright, S-sir? no, Teacher. I'll follow you starting from today.?


    The cold brisk wind was blowing outside, it was the start of summer and the mornings were still cold. The guest room had nothing inside, the family of the house were liars and had done people's dirty work for years, the ones that lived in that room had run away to a place far and safe for themselves.

    Ten years before that, Jackalope, a young girl at the time, had been living in the house never going outside due to her ?Curse'. She was a mutant; she had a large mixture of animals and monsters within her DNA. Her mother wouldn't care if she went outside, but her father on the other hand did, he didn't want to be a laughing stock at work. Jackalope had three siblings, one was already out of the house, the other two were in middle school. There was a commotion outside for the past four days cause there was a place where abandoned children would be taken, everyone thought it was to kill them to get them off of the streets. One night there was an announcement that a child had escaped from them and was a threat to others. For the time being till the child was found they would keep a lock in place for those without jobs so there were fewer people on the streets. The family was interrupted during their dinner by a knock on the door. The mother got up to go open the door, ignoring her husband telling her not to. When she opened the door there was a little girl with a number 500 in black on her neck and she was in a white shirt that was soaked from the rain, along with white boots, and a skirt. Her eyes were puffy and she looked to be a large mixture of monsters. The mother looked down the street and saw the people of the ?Child Street Clean-Up?. That's when she learned they didn't kill these kids, they did experiments on them. The mother pulled the kid into the house and told Jackalope to go hide with the girl in the guest room.

    ?Hello ma'am, have you seen a little girl in all white around here,? The worker asked as he looked past the woman in the door, looking at the table where the family was sitting still eating. He noticed the extra spot at the table.

    ?Ma'am, who was at that extra seat at your table?? he asked.

    ?My only daughter is upstairs using the restroom.? mother said as she closed the door.

    My mother was 38 and my father 'se something happened, she woke Twich up and opened the window, Twich had grabbed some dark clothes and other things to hide who they were. They had climbed out of the window and ran Jackalope had enough money out ready to pay for their tickets to get on the train.

    When they got on the train there was a woman that walked up to the girls and told them to come with her. The lady took them to a seat with a door that could be closed and locked. 

    ?Hello girls, I will be taking you with me to shelter?. She said, 

    ?What, how do you know who we are?? Twich asked.

    ?I have watched you girls grow up, I should show my true form to help you trust me,? She said.

    The woman showed us her tail was a scorpion tail but she had wings. She then explained that she was going to take us to the school she taught at full of runaways. I and Twich never thought we would ever be safe from the liars of the town Smog. I started to go to school, I loved it. I was far behind with my levels but most of the classes had a relation to our mutant DNA. Both Twich and I learned how to hide our form and were told we would be going back to Smog to free the little kids out of the labs. I was to pose as a new worker there by the name ?Jackie'. Twich was going to be my pet, she was able to form into a cat, she would be a grey cat with a blue hue to her fur. We were a little nervous but I knew we would be going back if we stayed by the rules of the mission. We made our own mission to close the lab for good and show the people of Smog what they did to innocent kids. I and Twich have been dating for a few years now. We have become very close and share a room where others are confused about how that is possible with our different mutant types. We had shared a room for five years so it's not too different, the only difference is that there is better heating, along with more space for our stuff. We leave for Smog in three days. It's not much time but it will be a huge deal to us. I don't plan on doing anything large for a few weeks but I need to get over the feeling that this is where I am from. I love my girl but there is a risk doing this mission, I'm only 15 meaning that I am one of the youngest to go on a mission, Twich is 14 almost 15 she is four months younger than me. 

    We have arrived at Smog train station, I just have to find my host family, I don't have much with me to make a quick leave if needed. Of course, my host family is the family that I ran away from. This is going to be interesting. I knocked on the door, someone I didn't know opened the door and called for Mary. She's a widow, her husband had died a few months ago. It's going to be hard to get used to fake that I don't know the house. Turns out the family who lived here had moved to a different house within the town. I was relieved, the person that opened the door told me that their name was Tex, he was a very quiet person. Tex told me that I didn't need to hide inside the house. I was confused and asked what he meant, I blinked and he had turned into a mutant. Mary was one too. Now I feel a lot better staying here. I put Twich down so she could shift, She always amazes me with her shifting. I love her but she likes to be a show-off, she never complains when I carry her but she doesn't like it when I'm holding her while she shifts, she is always sleepy afterward. 

    ?I'm sleepy, Jaxy,? Twitch said.

    I ask what room we will be staying in, Tex told me there is only one bed cause they weren't expecting Twich. I of course told him that it's fine, we share a bed at school anyways. When I got to the room it had dark teal curtains and a neatly set up desk with a bed next to it. I told Tex, thank you and asked when dinner was. I had an hour till 6, so I decided to cuddle with Twich, I didn't think that she would sleep well without her cuddles. When supper came around I started to head downstairs when Tex quickly told me to hide my form and act as if I was doing work and have Twich shift to her cat form. That's when I knew that the Lab workers were here, Tex also told me that once a week they come over and eat with them. This mission means everything to us we have to can't let it end with our failure.


    The forest could tell, even the birds sensed it there was really no need to say anything has in this case, tension speaks louder than words....


    He looked at his best friend,his face expressing painful thoughts he is trying to bring himself to control. " Why?.." He got nothing as his best friend kept mute still...he rushed forward putting his knuckles in danger as he punched into a tree. His best friend wouldn't move or talk, there was literally nothing she could do to ease the pain , she caused it after all but she wouldn't be swayed because that was her resolve before accepting to meet him.

    " We shouldn't be doing this and you know it, everything was your fault! Don't act cute or innocent because I know you did it..."

    She talks, I almost considered the fact that you had gone deaf and blind seeing as I've been asking for an explanation from you for the past thirty minutes! " he spoke with obvious venom.

    " Listen Dre, I am not here to fight you or anything, let's just give sleeping dogs their peace and forget this whole issue" She replied looking exhausted.

    I'm sorry did I hear you right Tiwa? You took fifteen years of my life cause of the lie you told and you stand here talking to me about peace!! Are you out of your mind or are you just being mean?He spat out

    Don't make me look bad because I heard it all, every damn word he told you I heard it! Damn it! You were there Dre, you were right in front of him, I thought we were friends, I tho.."


    You thought we were what!? You lied Tiwa and there is no denying because you know I would never do that to anyone let alone to someone I call my friend!" furious as he was, he still tried his best in all the fifteen years he spent in jail to make excuses for her, probably she was wrong about something or she wasn't in her right mind when she was brought in for questioning or perhaps she was even pressured into lying against him...those thoughts hunted him day and night and he lived through it all hoping wildly he was correct atleast to a point, hearing her say these things hurt as hell, he didn't think there would be a day he would bring himself to hate Tiwa, she was like the sister, mom even dad he never had and he made sure to do all he could including dropping out of high school so she could graduate and get into the stupid he had been

    You made such decision without even giving me the benefit of doubt, even if you actually heard something you could have asked me about it, I can't hide the truth from you and you know that" The words coming out with pain as he tried to stop himself from breaking down...


    She stood there watching the pain of her betrayal eat him up but couldn't do anything to stop it, if only she had known she would have fought for the truth but her greed made her too weak to support and stand by her only friend. She could try to forgive herself by feeling guilty but she knew very much she doesn't deserve his forgiveness nor hers, it's better if she keeps suffering all her life with the silly mistake of putting the life of someone who she meant something to in jeopardy...All fifteen years and he is here and there is no way she would ask for forgiveness for taking that amount of time from him..

    You heard him ask you to save him but you didn't, you dropped him regardless because you were selfish and envious, everyone including yourself knew he was better at everything than you!" She lashed out knowing it was a lie

    How could you?.." words left him.

    She waited patiently to hear what he had to say but apparently he had nothing to say.

    its obvious you have nothing to say, you know why I ignored you? You have insecurities around you and you feel intimidated by people who you think are better than you without realizing you cause more harm than good...try having a pet" she said quietly and left, the tears rolled down without warning and she realized for the first time how lonely she was and would be for a very long time, if that was her punishment she would gladly take it,after all she deserved what she got...


    He watched her leave causing another jab of pain in his heart knowing her leaving him has turned them to strangers forever... where did he go wrong with her and Daniel, they were just like siblings and in the twinkle of an eye everything seems like the memories of their friendship was a dream, atleast Daniel survived the fall but why Him and Tiwa would lie against him is beyond him, was he really insecured and insensitive to their feelings but even at that they shouldn't have done all of that to him, bearing false witness and giving untrue testimonies that he pushed Daniel over the cliff was just too much... He sat on the ground and wept like a baby for hours this time not because of the years wasted but for the strangers he once considered friends


    It was dark already and the forest was coming alive as many wilds are starting their day, he stood and began to walk back home, after a while he turned around knowing fully well something was behind him, he saw the dog following him surprisingly he smiled and walked on his thoughts " insecurities she said, I made a friend might take a while but I'm not giving up yet and friendship starts from somewhere" He walked on whistling... If his friends whom he gave his all to could become strangers to him why on Earth can't a stray dog be his friend??

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